ZANZIBARIS - Summer's day at Benito & Betty's Home - 2013

Dear Folks

Wednesday 24th July 2013 fortunately was a super summer’s day with sunshine and no rain making it a perfect garden party graced by many Zanzibari folks.

It was wonderful to be united again after 46 years with two lovely ladies Kulsum and Rosie Jivanjee from Zanzibar, certainly well known to all Zanzibaris.

It was also lovely that Chandra Livingston (Chandri Panjwani) and Pat Rees (Pat Soares) joined us.

Amongst the other guests were some of our close friends and family members. Unfortunately our son Winston and his family could not attend due to the kids still at school followed by after-school activities.

Enclosed are some photographs I would like to share with those who attended our Summer Garden party and our other friends from the UK and around the Globe.

Thanks to all for joining us at our home.

Benny & Betty


4 Grandchildren below - Photos by Albert Mendes
(Miles, Abigail, Molly & Jacob)

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